We are excited for another fun-filled week of VBS this summer. Our theme is “The Great Jungle Journey; An Epic Cruise from Genesis to Revelation.” We have so many fun activities planned to help share God’s love with your child(ren).
VBS will run the week of June 10th-14th from 9am-12pm daily. It is geared towards children aged 4-10. Each day we will learn a new bible story and enjoy a craft, science experiment, song, game and snack all relating to that story.
We need your help! This program will not be successful without the help of volunteers. We need adult volunteers and welcome student volunteers. Student volunteers must be at least 11 years old and be able to engage with the younger children. Adults that volunteer will receive free tuition for your children to attend. Adults must complete the Essential 3 training prior to volunteering.
Cost: 1 child/$80, 2 children/$130, 3 or more children/$170. Payments can be made with cash, check or Venmo @ollchurch
Students that register by May 17th will be guaranteed a VBS t-shirt. After May 17th, there is not a guarantee that you will receive a t-shirt.
Questions: Email Molly Jones.
We can’t wait to see you there!