Our Adult Faith Formation provides excellent resources for growing in your Catholic Faith, learning more about the Catholic Faith, sharing your faith with others, and even exploring the possibility of joining the Catholic Faith if you are not yet Catholic.
Examples of ways to explore and grow in your faith as an adult include participating in a Bible Study, learning more about Catholicism while opening the door to being confirmed into the Catholic faith through participation in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), taking advantage of spiritual growth opportunities through retreats, or checking out a book from our Parish Library.
Be sure to subscribe to our calendar for upcoming events and ways to become involved and enrich your faith!
If you missed the Information Night on Sept. 29th, there is still time to join the class for this year. No commitments and no cost. Come and learn about the beauty and depth of the Catholic faith. Contact Colin at (952) 472-8210 or [email protected].
In the first week, we heard about how Adam and Eve and the subsequent Israeli generations fell away from God and did not trust Him. In week 2, we will hear about how God restores that opportunity to trust Him through His Son Jesus. Subsequent sessions will look at more of the saints who were particularly devoted to the Sacred Heart of Mary. Learn more about this special devotion on Monday night at 6:30pm or Tuesday afternoon at 1:30pm, in the Fireside Room.
Our Lady of the Lake offers Bible Study opportunities throughout the year to facilitate growth in your faith life, as well as fostering a healthy church family community.
We have a large collection of books that you can borrow to inspire your faith or grow and learn more!
Click this link to see the list of the current books in our library.